In this gripping sequel to Iron-Bound Flames, Meera faces an obstacle even more powerful than an iron-fisted king: love.
She did it-she freed Shael and his raek and landed herself alone in a strange land in the process. Now, Shael offers to take her, and Meera is thrust into a society in which humans are detested and magic is commonplace.
Finding her new home-and host-more seductive than she could have ever anticipated, Meera envisions a future for herself among the raek riders. However, after a devastating rejection she realizes she has been distracted-she has forgotten what really matters to her and forsaken her only family: her father.
Determined to rescue her father from his brutal forced service to the king, Meera strikes out on her own. But she soon learns that things-and forests-are not always as they appear and that only a warrior at heart can weather the harshest of storms. Meera may or may not find her father, but what-or who-she does find is sure to change her … forever.
Meera really grows in this book. I enjoyed her journey immensely. It was interesting seeing the two points of view, between Shael and Meera. It gave some good perspective and needed growth between the two characters.. The side characters were well written and fleshed out, having distinct personalities that stood on their own. I really liked how she grew closer to the knell and adopted some of their ways. Her journey at t he end showed her strength and determination and it was recognized by the most unlikely of sources! I am pleased to know that this is a series and I’m looking forward to the next book in the series.
Having Shael and Meera’s relationship stumble, grow and then stumble again was very realistic, Instead of instantly falling in love, there is struggle that lent veracity to the story. I enjoyed reading about the kingdom, the knell and the human community. It was all well-written, very visual and you can picture the scenery quite easily.
Meera is a strong, spirited protagonist that has only grown in leaps and bounds since her first showing. I am eager to see what is going to happen next in her journey.